We thank you for your interest in the books we publish. We try to bring a variety of quality textbooks and activity books for your wards. We know that you expect nothing but the best, but at the same time are conscious about quality and prices.
Prakash Global Axim features currently available books, a list that will be constantly expanded to cover all subjects taught in the pre - primary, primary and middle level classes. The books we produce speak for themselves. However, listed below are some notable features about our publications.
Usually the maintenance of high standards in the above features also translates to high prices, but owing to our high volume of sales, we manage to keep our prices low as well, when compared with titles of the same nature.
Do help our books reach your wards. We assure you of your full satisfaction with our products or in our commercial interaction. If you have any queries, or for sample coples of our publications, please contact any of our offices.
The high production that the beauty of text and graphics is brought out to the full. Clear and uniform impressions, with high quality inks on quality paper, all make for an attractive and durable product.
The authors, being teachers and educationists, are attracted in their subjects and aware of the latest syllabi prescribed by the Education Boards. Language used in kept simple, grammatically correct and idiomatic. Most of all, the written word reaches out, communicating to young minds. The flow of concepts is graded and grouped systematically under chapters and sub - headings, important topics being reiterated in referring 'point - wise system'.
A picture is worth a thousand words. All our publications are richly illustrated by leading artists and graphic designers. Pertinent as well as attractive, the illustrations supplement the text, holding the young reader's attention.